21 juny 2021 |
Algoritme diagnòstic en el laboratori. Impacte dels nous índex hematimètrics |
Marull Arnall, Anna
juliol 2024 |
Aplicació de la PCR digital pel diagnòstic de la malària |
Díaz Alcántara, Inés
juny 2023 |
Application of an Image Segmentation Method for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Images |
Bofí Pla, Andreu
2018 |
Auditoria de comunicació interna d’Espa empresa fabricant de bombes d’aigua de Banyoles (Girona) |
Collelldevall Prujà, Meritxell
Automated detection of breast cancer in false-negative screening MRI studies from women at increased risk |
Gubern Mérida, Albert
; Vreemann, Suzan
; Martí Marly, Robert
; Meléndez, Jaime
; Lardenoije, Susanne
; Mann, Ritse M.
; Karssemeijer, Nico
; Platel, Bram
1 febrer 2016 |
Automated detection of breast cancer in false-negative screening MRI studies from women at increased risk |
Gubern Mérida, Albert
; Vreemann, Suzan
; Martí Marly, Robert
; Meléndez, Jaime
; Lardenoije, Susanne
; Mann, Ritse M.
; Karssemeijer, Nico
; Platel, Bram
novembre 2015 |
Bipolar patients with alcohol consumption will have more relapses?: a 5 year follow-up study |
Da Costa Jácome Vasconcelos, Francisca
Bipolar patients with alcohol consumption will have more relapses?: a 5 year follow-up study |
Da Costa Jácome Vasconcelos, Francisca
22 maig 2003 |
Caracterització estructural de Ribonucleases humanes |
Mallorquí Fernández, Goretti
Caracterització estructural de Ribonucleases humanes |
Mallorquí Fernández, Goretti
14 novembre 2013 |
Case-based diagnosis of batch processes based on latent structures |
Berjaga Moliné, Xavier
Case-based diagnosis of batch processes based on latent structures |
Berjaga Moliné, Xavier
12 juliol 2004 |
Case based reasoning as an extension of fault dictionary methods for linear electronic analog circuits diagnosis |
Pous i Sabadí, Carles
Case based reasoning as an extension of fault dictionary methods for linear electronic analog circuits diagnosis |
Pous i Sabadí, Carles
juny 2022 |
Cervical cancer: a systematic review |
Delgado Soler, Duna
2016 |
Código sepsis: el rol clave del enfermero de urgencias: proyecto de investigación |
Pettirossi Arzuaga, Marcelo
Código sepsis: el rol clave del enfermero de urgencias: proyecto de investigación |
Pettirossi Arzuaga, Marcelo
gener 2022 |
Colorectal cancer screening among individuals aged 40-49 years: a randomised controlled field trial |
Cufí Jou, Anna
Comparative Study of Blood-Based Biomarkers, α2,3-Sialic Acid PSA and PHI, for High-Risk Prostate Cancer Detection |
Ferrer-Batallé, Montserrat
; Llop Escorihuela, Esther
; Ramírez, Manel
; Aleixandre i Cerarols, Rosa Núria
; Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Comet i Batlle, Josep
; Llorens Duran, Rafael de
; Peracaula Miró, Rosa
Comparative Study of Blood-Based Biomarkers, α2,3-Sialic Acid PSA and PHI, for High-Risk Prostate Cancer Detection |
Ferrer-Batallé, Montserrat
; Llop Escorihuela, Esther
; Ramírez, Manel
; Aleixandre i Cerarols, Rosa Núria
; Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Comet i Batlle, Josep
; Llorens Duran, Rafael de
; Peracaula Miró, Rosa
1 juny 2018 |
Comparative Study of Blood-Based Biomarkers, α2,3-Sialic Acid PSA and PHI, for High-Risk Prostate Cancer Detection |
5 juny 2018 |
Comparative Study of Blood-Based Biomarkers, α2,3-Sialic Acid PSA and PHI, for High-Risk Prostate Cancer Detection |
Ferrer-Batallé, Montserrat
; Llop Escorihuela, Esther
; Ramírez, Manel
; Aleixandre i Cerarols, Rosa Núria
; Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Comet i Batlle, Josep
; Llorens Duran, Rafael de
; Peracaula Miró, Rosa
17 abril 2017 |
Comparative Study of Blood-Based Biomarkers, α2,3-Sialic Acid PSA and PHI, for High-Risk Prostate Cancer Detection |
Ferrer-Batallé, Montserrat
; Llop Escorihuela, Esther
; Ramírez, Manel
; Aleixandre i Cerarols, Rosa Núria
; Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Comet i Batlle, Josep
; Llorens Duran, Rafael de
; Peracaula Miró, Rosa
21 gener 2014 |
Computer-aided lesion detection and segmentation on breast ultrasound |
Pons Rodríguez, Gerard
Computer-aided lesion detection and segmentation on breast ultrasound |
Pons Rodríguez, Gerard